Supervision and Commitment of the Vice-Chancellor
Involvement in the UiTM’s Financial Management Meeting Committee

Bil | Meeting | Agenda |
1 | University's Budget Inspection Committee [Jawatankuasa Pemeriksaan Bajet Universiti (JKPBU)] | - University's Budget Application Proposal |
2 | Finance Standing Committee [Jawatankuasa Tetap Kewangan (JTK)] | - Accounting Policy - Financial Policy - Surcharge |
3 | Procurement Board [Lembaga Perolehan (LP)] | - Appointment of Consultant - Supplies and Services - Physical Development and Maintenance |
4 | Financial and Accounts Management Committee [Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Kewangan dan Akaun (JPKA)] | - Auditing Report - Statement of Management Expenses and Obligation/Liabilities - Procurement Management Report - UiTM Affiliated Colleges Tuition Fee Subsidies Performance Report - Development Fund Allocation and Expenditure Statement - Trust Fund, Research and Consultancy’s Expenditure and Obligation / Liabilities Statement - Revenue and Payment Management Report - Breach of Contract Report - Statement of Advances - Asset and Store Management Report |
5 | Government-UiTM’s Asset Management Committee [Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Aset Kerajaan – UiTM (JPAKU)] | - Capital Asset Management Report |
6 | Investment Committee [Jawatankuasa Pelaburan (JP)] | - Holdings And Subsidiaries Financial Report - Investments Proposal - Investment Report (Fund Managers and Fixed Deposit) |
Signing of the UiTM’s Financial Statement to be sent to the National Audit Department (Jabatan Audit Negara).