Involvement in the UiTM’s Financial Management Meeting Committee

  1. Chairman of University’s Budget Inspection Committee [Jawatankuasa Pemeriksaan Bajet Universiti (JKPBU)]
  2. Chairman of Finance Standing Committee [Jawatankuasa Tetap Kewangan (JTK)]
  3. Chairman of Procurement Board [Lembaga Perolehan (LP)]
  4. Chairman of Financial and Accounts Management Committee [Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Kewangan dan Akaun (JPKA)]
  5. Chairman of Goverment-UiTM’s Asset Management Committee [Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Aset Kerajaan – UiTM (JPAKU)]
  6. Board Member of Investment Committee[Jawatankuasa Pelaburan (JP)]


1University's Budget Inspection Committee
[Jawatankuasa Pemeriksaan Bajet Universiti (JKPBU)]
- University's Budget Application Proposal
2Finance Standing Committee
[Jawatankuasa Tetap Kewangan (JTK)]
- Accounting Policy
- Financial Policy
- Surcharge
3Procurement Board
[Lembaga Perolehan (LP)]
- Appointment of Consultant
- Supplies and Services
- Physical Development and Maintenance
4Financial and Accounts Management Committee
[Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Kewangan dan Akaun (JPKA)]
- Auditing Report
- Statement of Management Expenses and Obligation/Liabilities
- Procurement Management Report
- UiTM Affiliated Colleges Tuition Fee Subsidies Performance Report
- Development Fund Allocation and Expenditure Statement
- Trust Fund, Research and Consultancy’s Expenditure and Obligation / Liabilities Statement
- Revenue and Payment Management Report
- Breach of Contract Report
- Statement of Advances
- Asset and Store Management Report
5Government-UiTM’s Asset Management Committee
[Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Aset Kerajaan – UiTM (JPAKU)]
- Capital Asset Management Report
6Investment Committee
[Jawatankuasa Pelaburan (JP)]
- Holdings And Subsidiaries Financial Report
- Investments Proposal
- Investment Report (Fund Managers and Fixed Deposit)

Signing of the UiTM’s Financial Statement to be sent to the National Audit Department (Jabatan Audit Negara).

Financial Services Office of the Vice-Chancellor

  1. Approval of asset acquisition applications from the entire UiTM system
  2. Approval of the application for the procurement of official vehicles of department and JUSA officers appointed to senior/executive management positions
  3. Approval of allocation for official travel abroad
  4. Financial services of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office and the departments under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor (without Cost Centres) namely PALAPES, Legal Advisor’s Office, OKU (Persons with Disabilities) Service Unit, Integrity Unit and Endowment Unit.


No. 1-4 are based on the Vice Chancellor’s Circular No. 19/2021

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